About Sunag Corporation USA

Cast & Alloys is a leading provider of integrated solutions for Aluminum Forging and Aluminum Castings (GDC & HPDC) to the industry, backed by 30+ years of experience. Our capability to provide END to END Solution sets us apart from the competition. We believe in creating value for our customers by meeting their product requirements on QCDIP -Quality, Cost and Delivery, Innovation and Productivity, which has helped us provide complex part development and cost saving engineering solutions. Due to our strong commitment, our products are exported across the globe directly to OEMS meeting their supply chain challenges in today’s complex global environment.

Why Choose?

Corporate Ideology

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin it over 2000 years old.

  • Global presence
  • Experience
  • Sustainability
  • Manufacturing
  • Innovation
  • Service

Our Capabilities


Gravity Die Castings
High Pressure Die Castings
Aluminum Forgings

Enjoy With Safety Experience

Our best Services on industry

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